Entrepreneurial Empire

Entrepreneurial Empire

Join MY NEw Beta Program and Start Building Your Entrepreneurial Empire Now

Increase Your income - Achieve Success - Close More Sales - get promoted

The Most valuable skill on planet earth is Being an Entrprenuer!

"The 10X Rule took my income from $50,000 to 5,000,000 in only 11 months." 

- Christie ????

"Your ability or inability to sell, and increase revenue will not only effect you but will effect your customers experience with you" - Jacqueline Hernandez


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for less than a Starbucks's a day
that pays for a life time

Entrepreneurial Empire Beta Program

Dear fellow entrepreneur,

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new Entrepreneurial Empire course, a comprehensive program designed to help entrepreneurs like you achieve success in today's competitive business world. But I need your help.

I'm currently putting together a pilot program, and I'm looking for a small select group of entrepreneurs to join me on this journey. As a participant in this pilot program, you'll have the opportunity to shape the course and provide feedback that will help me improve it for future students.

wHy should you join the beta program?

Are you an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels and not getting the results you want? Entrepreneurial Empire is here to help.

Our pilot program is an exclusive opportunity for a small select group of entrepreneurs to work directly with me and gain access to our comprehensive curriculum, personalized guidance and support, and a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Our pilot program is designed to help entrepreneurs like you overcome the challenges that are holding you back and achieve the success you deserve.

As a pilot program participant, you'll get access to:

  • Cutting-edge course material that covers everything from idea generation to scaling your business

  • Personalized guidance and support from experienced mentors who have been there and done that

  • A supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs who will inspire you and hold you accountable

  • Access to exclusive resources and tools that will help you take your business to the next level

  • The opportunity to shape the direction of the course and provide feedback that will help us improve it for future students

If you want to achieve extreme success, you can't operate like everybody else and settle for mediocrity, then be frustrated about your results…

PLUS, Join A Supportive Community of
Like-Minded Entrepreneurs During The Beta!

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but it doesn't have to be. As a beta participant, you'll be part of a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are all striving for success. You'll have the opportunity to connect with other entrepreneurs, share your experiences, and get feedback and advice.

At the end of this Beta course you will be the first to receive my book "Entrepreneurial Empire", the course and coaching program for free as a participant in the beta program


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transform your Business and Increase sales

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Join My Six Week Beta Course and Coaching Sessions EXCLUSIVE!

Here's What You Can Expect

1. Personalized Coaching - Take a deeper dive into your business to strengthen your empire's position and long term success... ($2,499.00)

2. Bulletproof Sales & Marketing Plan - Discover The 3 Most Common Reasons You Or Your Sales Team Are Missing Sales, And How To Fix This Immediately… ($499.00 Value)

3. Identify Profitable Advantages
- Learn the unique value proposition of your product or service and how you can dominate your industry… ($299.00 Value)

4. 10 Mistakes That Kill Your Momentum
- Have You Ever Blown Or Lost A Deal That You Think Should Have Been Closed? In This Beta Program Jacqueline Goes Over The Top 10 Deal-Killers And How To Avoid These Like The Plague But Also Design An Action Plan To Accelerate Your Momentum… ($999.00 Value)

5. Build A Strong Brand Presence
- Create, hands-on lead magnets, email campaigns, and retargeting ads. Discover Repurposing Content Across All Media Platforms Can Perform For You, Not The Other Way Around… ($2,499.00 Value)

6. Create Sales Funnels
- If You’ve Ever Struggled To Have A Steady Flow Of Prospects And Leads To Sell To, Then This Beta Course Is A MUST JOIN! Discover How To Keep Your Pipeline Full All The Time… ($4,999.00 Value)

7. FREE BOOK - BE one of the first receive a FREE Copy Of My book Hot Off The Press...



for less than a Starbucks's a day
that pays for a life time

Total Value = $11,794 (Yours Today for $97)

Total Value =

$11,794 (Yours Today for $97)

At the end of this Beta course you will be the first to receive my book "Entrepreneurial Empire" free for participating in the beta


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Don't take our word for it...

This is what our client had to say about working with us

"After our first coaching session, I closed my first $10k client, followed by my first $20k client!! Securing five-figure clients is MIND BLOWING. Jacqueline simplifies the process and holds you accountable."

Hillary Cortez, Founder of "The Motivation Babe" podcast and coaching program

It’s my observation that the most important skills needed in life come down to how well one can pivot, adapt and identify advantages, all at the same time being able to look around the corner to see what's coming next. I have learned from some of the brightest minds of success and my biggest take away is that success is not complacent, it's fluid.

- Jacqueline Hernandez

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BE THE FIRST TO RECEIVE THE BOOK "ENTREPRENEURIAL EMPIRE", The Course and The Coaching - for less than a starbuck's a day that pays for a life time

Why Am I Giving You This BETA COURSE For only $97?


Now, you might be wondering why I'm charging such a low fee for this pilot program when I could easily charge $2,500 or more. The truth is, I'm looking for committed and passionate entrepreneurs who are willing to work with me to create something truly special.

I believe that by offering this pilot program at a reduced fee, I can attract the right kind of people who are truly invested in their own success

and are willing to help me create something amazing that will benefit us all.

And make no mistake, this is an incredible opportunity.

I want to show you why the INCOME you want IS possible, and

how you CAN get there!

And because… 

The philosophy in this course changed my LIFE and my family's life forever. It gave me more TIME to spend with my family…

It took away the STRESS of pushing so hard every day, trying to make ends meet.

And it allowed me to add team members and scale my business, without having to do ALL of the work on my own ALONE.

That’s EXACTLY what I want for you…

You'll get access to cutting-edge course material, personalized guidance and support from experienced mentors, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are all striving for success.

You'll also have the chance to shape the direction of the course and help me create something that truly meets your needs and delivers results.

So if you're ready to take your business to the next level and be a part of something truly special, I invite you to join me in this pilot program.

Together, we can create a program that will help entrepreneurs like us succeed for years to come.

Click the link below to enroll in our pilot program now, and I look forward to working with you!

Best regards,

enroll for the Entrepreneurial Beta course and get access to the guidance necessary to grow your revenue

Looking forward to working with you!

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At Entrepreneurial Empire we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.

Entrepreneurial Empire | 1-800-368-5771 | 1140 S. Laredo St. San Antonio, TX. 78204© Jacqueline N. Hernandez & Co. LLC All Rights Reserved.

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Keep them all for yourself, or share the gift of success! Schedule out every second of every day, get your head right, write down your goals, and get target-focused... everyday!